Divorce Attorney In Colorado That Prioritize Your Family

Contested Divorce & Uncontested Divorce


CALL (720) 598-8800

We deliver Elite Representation in Mediation or Litigation

Uncontested Divorces are Ideal, but Uncommon

Most couples seeking Divorce, ideally want to transition through this chapter of their lives rather quickly. You may think you have a pretty straightforward simple divorce case, but what you may not realize is that for a case to be an Uncontested Divorce case there can be NO disputes between you and your spouse on these matters:

–  Child Support
–  Parenting Time and Decision Making
–  Property Division and Debts Spousal support

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You and your spouse have agreed to divorce, but perhaps you cannot come to a full agreement upon all of the issues that surround your case.

Whether it’s your property, assets or parental rights, we have the experience and resources to help you resolve your issues effectively. Deciding to follow through with the legalities of a divorce can be a difficult situation, and can bring many hard decisions your way including how to divide property and parental duties. 

This can be a stressful time where you can benefit from having a strong attorney like Yuri Bazan, Esq. represent you and help you make informed decisions. 

No matter the direction your divorce is heading, Defensora Law Firm can help guide you in preparing all the necessary divorce documents while simultaneously keeping your best interests in mind. 

We are committed to providing our elite expertise and services that will benefit you and the outcome of your divorce. Our Law firm works hard to put your family first during your divorce proceedings, no matter which route you and your spouse may take.

To request an initial consultation, call (720) 598-8800 at your earliest convenience.



Together, we can take the first steps toward getting you justice. Contact us today for a free consultation with one of our caring, experienced attorneys.

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